Category: News
Safer Internet Day
A wonderful webinar was held at Barry Island Primary School to discuss internet safety as part of the Super Ambassadors scheme.
Annual Report 2012/13
The Children's Commissioner for Wales' Annual Report 2012/13. Download the report as a PDF file and watch the executive summary.
Online Webinar
A successful online webinar took place in Tenby Junior school, with the Super Ambassadors meeting the Children's Commissioner to discuss children's rights.
Care Leavers Event 2013
Our second All Wales Care Leavers event was a big success. Held in the Atlantic College, Llantwit Major, it provided looked after young people with an opportunity to meet and share experiences with their peers, to quiz the Children's Commissioner and to tackle some great outdoor activities like climbing, canoeing and archery.
Jillings Report
Statement issued by the Office of the Children's Commissioner for Wales following publication of the Jillings report.
DymaFI.TV Launched
DymaFi.tv is a major digital project aimed at getting the young people of Wales to film a day in their lives. 'Anything that gives a voice to Wales' young people is important, and the idea behind DymaFi.tv is ambitious and exciting," says Huw Stephens, the ambassador for DymaFi.tv digital project. "It's a pleasure to support this historical and interesting event.'
Children’s Commissioner for Wales questions adequacy of youth services
Youth services in Wales deserve to be valued and directed with strong strategic support at a national and local level. This is the call from the Children's Commissioner for Wales, Keith Towler, as he publishes his annual report and accounts today (04 October 2012).
Commissioner to undertake first review
The Children's Commissioner for Wales has announced plans to use his statutory powers to review the provision of independent professional advocacy for looked-after children and young people, care leavers and children in need.
Keith Towler, the Children's Commissioner for Wales, will today (18 March 2009) publish the findings of a study on child trafficking in Wales.