Children’s Commissioner for Wales

Our three-year strategy

Our three-year strategy outlines the steps we'll take over the next three years to improve children's lives in Wales.

A No Wrong Door Approach to Neurodiversity: a book of experiences

Our report, published on 22 March 2023, brings to life the challenges faced by children and their families who are looking for help and support with neurodevelopmental conditions.

UNCRC – Children’s Rights Resources

Rights posters for children and young people; symbols versions for a wide range of needs; a guide for parents, and lots more.


Read the Commissioner's latest public statements.

My Planner

Advice, support, and tips for young people leaving care.

Early Years Resources

A unique and catchy rights song, posters, lesson plans, and guidance for early years practitioners.

Annual Report and Accounts 2022-2023

Read our latest Annual Report.