#OurWales / #EinCymru

This St.David’s Day we’re asking schools, youth clubs and organisations across Wales to join us in celebrating diversity and difference.

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We’ll be using the hashtag #OurWales to share messages that promote and celebrate these values, and we’re inviting others to do the same.

Along with messages that celebrate diversity, we’ll be using the #OurWales hashtag to share resources that could help children and young people across Wales to explore and promote equality and diversity.


We recently created a resource aimed at Tackling Islamophobia and highlighting the right of every child to be treated equally.

On St.David’s Day, we want schools and organisations to join us in celebrating this right.

Getting involved

All you need to do is send a tweet on 1 March using the hashtag #OurWales, or #EinCymru in Welsh.

If you have resources or materials to share that might help schools to promote diversity, underline equality, or celebrate differences, we’d love you to share these by using the hashtag too.

Example tweets

We want #OurWales to be a place where all children have an equal chance to the best they can be.

#OurWales should be somewhere where everyone has a right to live a full life, regardless of age, gender, sexuality or race.

We’ve created resources to support schools to challenge negative stereotypes #OurWales – LINK

Get in touch If you have any questions about #OurWales please contact us on 01792 765600 or post@childcomwales.org.uk