Topical Rights Lessons

  • Anti-bullying lesson plans: Designed for Anti-Bullying week 2017, these lesson plans can be used to explore bullying with all age groups in primary schools.
  • Cyberbullying: We’ve made new resources to help children take a lead on tackling cyberbullying in school.
  • Child Poverty: Our resources can help schools assess the cost of their school day, and highlight ways to help families.
  • Here I Am: We’ve worked with groups of young people on our ‘Here I Am’ project to tackle stereotypes. In these lessons pupils will explore identity.
  • Intergenerational Resource: This resource encourages primary schools to set up their own intergenerational clubs with a lesson plan, and a series of videos.
  • The Revolve Project (environment): Buying new uniform every year puts a strain on families’ finances. Our resource helps children understand the environmental impact making clothes has and helps them plan their own uniform swap-shops.
  • Project Vote: Although children under 16 cannot vote in the Senedd elections, all children in Wales have the right to be listened to and taken seriously (Article 12). Children may feel that some of their rights are currently being denied, or they may be passionate about a particular issue, and want to make a change. We have prepared two lessons on Senedd elections and democracy for you to do in class.
  • Make a difference: Make a difference – A young person’s guide to taking action helps young people to raise their voice about the issues that matter to them.
  • Positive Relationships: AGENDA is a resource to help teach children about positive relationships, and about issues like consent, respect, and equality.