Commissioner’s lecture on devolution

What has devolution done for children in Wales?

To mark Professor Sally Holland’s final month in post as children’s commissioner for Wales, we are hosting a lecture where Sally will explore what devolution has achieved for children and young people in Wales.

Having spent seven years in post, worked with tens of thousands of children and young people during that period, and navigated ways to deliver change at a local and national level, Sally will explore the barriers and opportunities facing Wales and the role of the children’s commissioner at a time when there’s a greater need than ever to place children front and centre of decision-making.

This will be a virtual, accessible, bilingual event, with introductions from the Rt Hon Mark Drakeford MS, First Minister of Wales. Members of the commissioner’s young people’s advisory panel will chair the event and will facilitate the question and answer session to close.

To register your interest in attending this virtual event on 4 April 2022 at 4.30pm, please follow the instructions by clicking on the link below.

Commissioner’s lecture on devolution