A No Wrong Door Approach to Neurodiversity: a book of experiences

Our report, published on 22 March 2023, brings to life the challenges faced by children and their families who are looking for help and support with neurodevelopmental conditions.

Read the full report (PDF)

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Key Messages

  • Welsh Government must aim for a truly needs-led, not diagnosis-led approach for neurodivergent children. All children should have their needs met, whether they have a formal diagnosis or not.
  • Families are often told they have come to the wrong place when looking for support, or that there is no support available. Families having to wait at every point of access means their children are growing older without getting the appropriate support. Wales needs a No Wrong Door approach to Neurodiversity.
  • Families would like services to work together to make sure that a child/young person has the appropriate assessment and support they need

Views from parents and professionals

We visited ASD Rainbows, a charity supporting young children with autism, and their families.

They told us about their views and experiences, and what they think needs to change:

A clinical psychologist’s perspective

Dr Mair Edwards, a clinical psychologist, discusses the challenges facing families: