A Promise from the Children’s Commissioner for Wales to Care Experienced Young People

Over twenty years ago, as a result of significant failures to support children in care, Wales took a brave decision to create a Children’s Commissioner whose job would be to protect and promote children’s rights and be an independent advocate for Wales’ children. We’ve had three commissioners before I took the job for a seven-year term in 2022; they’ve all been fierce champions of care-experienced children. What a privilege it is to be Wales’ independent children’s champion for the next seven years and how proud I am that Wales has decided to create a Corporate Parenting Charter to make sure people in power are doing all they can to support care-experienced children and young people.

This Charter sets out how my team and I will keep our promises to care-experienced children and young people across Wales.

Click here for the full version to the Commissioner’s ‘Corporate Parenting Promise’ (Opens as a PDF)

Click here for the easy read version to the Commissioner’s ‘Corporate Parenting Promise’ (Opens as a PDF)

Click here for the widgit version to the Commissioner’s ‘Corporate Parenting Promise’ (Opens as a PDF)