Two-child limit: ‘A cruel policy that must be scrapped’ according to Children’s Commissioner

13 July 2023

Along with leading children’s rights organisations from across the UK, the Children’s Commissioner for Wales has called for an end to two-child limit in a joint letter to Westminster party leaders.

You can read more on this web page.

She said:

“I’m gravely concerned about the impact of child poverty in Wales, and I’ve continuously called on the Welsh Government to plan and monitor specific and measurable actions to help the huge numbers of children who are affected. But it is clear that UK Government are responsible for the main levers of financial support for families living in poverty. There are obvious changes that the UK Government could and should make to welfare payments, which would instantly put more money in the pockets of thousands of families. This includes getting rid of the two-child limit, which effectively punishes children for having more than one sibling, depriving them of their human rights to a good standard of living, health, and development. This is a cruel policy that must be scrapped.”