Videos from our Participation Team

We’ll regularly post videos here from our brilliant Participation team to help you think about playing at home.

Dens, sock puppets, recycling materials, and play cinemas!

Creating a calming space at home

Jordan from our Participation team has some useful tips for making a space at home specifically to help your child relax and calm down.

She also talks about which household materials you could use to help.

Fun with paper and card

Origami, cardboard dolls’ houses, the ball and box game, and paper aeroplanes!


Water Play

How much fun can you have with a container and some water? Jordan from our Participation Team is here to talk about water play:

Making a cardboard city, playing with ‘chatterboxes’, and chatting about emotions

Rhian shares her ideas on building a city out of cardboard, making ‘chatterboxes’, and starting conversations about how we feel.

Garden funny faces

Using the natural materials in your garden to make funny faces!

Boredom buster!

Jordan has some tips to keep boredom at bay!


Making bubbles!

Jordan’s easy technique for making bubbles at home. All you need is a bowl, some washing up liquid and a toilet roll tube!

Making music with your recycling bag contents!

Yoghurt pot castanets, toilet roll shakers, cereal box guitars; how can you use the contents of your recycling bag to start a family band!?

Sensory Play

Is your child missing the sensory play they normally enjoy at school? Jordan has some ideas to help you make your own sensory play space at home

Loose parts

Is it rubbish? Or is it play equipment!? Watch the video for some ideas on turning loose parts into free play

Sensory Play – painting with coloured ice and blowing bubbles from socks

Making a magic wand

Toy worlds

All you need to build a toy world is:

  • your favourite toy
  • a clear container
  • decorations from your garden or daily walk

5 things to make with used toilet roll tubes