Advice for children and young people

Mental Health – Local Counselling Services

If you need help with your mental health, here is a list of all local authorities’ counselling services.

Thanks to Welsh Government for putting this list together.

See the list here

A list of organisations who give support and information

This page has a list of lots of different websites and services that give mental health support and information to young people and families.

Go to the page

See, Hear, Respond Wales

See, Hear, Respond Wales is here to help children, young people and families cope with the Covid-19 crisis.

They offer confidential online referral and have a free helpline.

Visit their page


Meic can listen to you if you’re feeling worried and help you to feel better.

You can call them or chat to them online.

This is how their service works.

Contact Meic


Childline can listen to your worries and help you to cope with them.

Here’s how their service works.

Contact Childline.


Papyrus is a national charity preventing young suicide across the UK. They provide confidential support and advice to young people struggling with thoughts of suicide, and anyone worried about a young person.

Go to their page


The mental health charity mind has made a page for young people who are worried about coronavirus and want to know how to cope with changes to their lives.

Go to their page

Young Minds

Tips, advice and guidance on where you can get support for your mental health during the coronavirus pandemic.

Go to their page

Young Person’s Mental Health Toolkit

The Welsh Government have created an online resource that will support young people with their mental health during this pandemic.

This toolkit will link young people aged 11-25 to websites, apps and helplines to help build resilience and support them through this pandemic and beyond.

Visit the Page


Platfform4YP is a project made by young people for young people. This website gives young people the chance to have their voices heard and to share their stories and ideas with each other and the world.

It’s regularly updated with content to help you with your mental health.

Go to the website

Llamau – Youth Homelessness

If you are at risk of homelessness and in need of support, call Llamau’s Youth Homeless Helpline.

Find out more

Abuse and safety

There are many different types of abuse.

Childline’s website explains what some different types of abuse mean and how to get help and support.

Go to their site

Handling mixed emotions during the pandemic

Aneurin Bevan University Health Board has created a useful poster about managing the difficult emotions you might feel during the pandemic. Click the link below to download the poster.

Download the poster